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Commercial Building Code Violations

Commercial building code violation services in dallas, fort worth and austin

We offer leading industrial building code violation checks and inspections. We are available and ready to assist you with all your questions with regard to building code violations.

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Build Code Electrical Violations

Do you have an electrical code violation?


Commercial Electric DFW, can help repair or replace the equipment necessary to remove the violation. If necessary, our foreman can meet with the building inspector to check the violation, and obtain a removal of the violation from your record. Our crews can help reduce the stress and confusion involved with building code electrical violations and communication with building inspectors. We are experts at resolving electrical violations and our experienced electricians understand not only the intricacies of fixing the problem that may be causing your violation but also how to explain our work to inspectors and complete paperwork to their satisfaction as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

Call Commercial Electric DFW today to discuss your electrical project or any violations you may have at your commercial property!

Whether you are looking for a commercial electrician for repairs or installation projects, including building code violations, contact Commercial Electric DFW to discuss your project!

building electrical code violations

Faulty Wiring

Flickering lights and tripping fuses are warning signs of faulty wiring. A burning smell indicates a serious problem with the wiring that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Returning to the building code violation, installing new lighting in old buildings can cause an electrical issue. The new lights can operate at different temperatures than the wiring which can create a dangerous electrical situation. Experts also recommend rewiring buildings built before 1987 to prevent fire risk due to faulty wiring.

Grounding Issues

Ground loops are commonly linked to code violations in commercial buildings. The interconnection of electrical systems creates multiple paths for grounded equipment. Professional commercial electricians ensure that buildings have only one ground used for grounding. This grounding helps to protect appliances, equipment, and other machinery, as well as the safety of employees and customers of commercial businesses. 

Messy Electrical Panels

Your electrical panel should be properly labeled so you can identify the different fuses associated with each circuit and piece of equipment. This is helpful when turning off the power supply in different areas of the building in case there is a fire and to avoid building code violations. Having your electrician wire all of your switches to a central location on your main circuit breaker is the best way to keep things organized.

Overcrowded Wires

Commercial Electrician Dallas Texas

When electrical wires are overcrowded in the breaker box or other area, it makes them prone to damage, short-circuits, and when exposed they create a major fire hazard. Experienced commercial electricians understand that the maximum number of wires you can fit through a 7/8-inch hole is three. This prevents the wires from touching and potentially creating an electrical violation. Knowing that your building is less likely to catch fire from electrical problems will put your staff at ease, and a well-maintained electrical system can help save you money by avoiding constant repairs and penalties.

Have Your Electrical System Checked

Commercial Electric DFW is one of the leading commercial electrical contractors in the Dallas Metro. We have expert electricians to ensure compliance with build code regulations for your electrical systems, as well as 24-hour service for repairs or other emergencies.

How can I find out if my electrical is up to code?

To check if your building meets code, consult with an expert such as Commercial Electric DFW, which has decades of experience working with commercial buildings and offers 24-hour services including emergency response services, commercial pre-wiring installation, and inventorying of common components and replacement parts in addition to most any repair services. We are known as one of Dallas’ leading commercial electricians and know how to inspect your wiring to ensure it’s up to code. 

commercial electrician

Commercial Building Code Violations


Where we work
Call us today for a quote or bid if you are located in any of the following service areas:
  • Dallas, Texas

  • Ft. Worth, Texas

  • Houston, Texas

  • Austin, Texas